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A look back at 2020 with the smart Medido medicine dispenser

The year 2020 was an unprecedented year for the care staff. But clients, too, have had a difficult time. The first and second intelligent lockdown changed their lives like a bolt from the blue. What effect did these corona measures have on the medication of the clients?

In this article we look at what influence the measures had on whether or not people forgot to take their medication, based on the data collected by the smart Medido medication dispenser . Read on quickly!


In 2020, Medido has helped thousands of clients in the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden with their medication management. This led to no less than four million dispensations last year.

The graph above shows at what times clients forgot to take their medication in 2020.

At first glance, you can see an obvious low point in the graph, namely in mid-March. This was also the period in which the first intelligent lockdown in the Netherlands started.

During this first lockdown, elderly people were obviously much more at home than usual, and this is reflected in their medication use. During this period, there were relatively few forgotten medication moments. As the measures were relaxed, the number of forgotten medication moments increased again.

You can also see two peak moments in the graph, namely in December 2019 and in December 2020. The explanation for this is that clients were often away during the pleasant but hectic holiday season. As a result, they forgot to take their medication more often.. The smart Medido medicine dispenser can support the client, and you as a care employee, in this.


Proper use of medication is important for stabilising and improving health. The automatic medicine dispenser lets the client know at the right moment when it is time for the medication.

Does the client forget to take his or her medication? Then the smart Medido medicine dispenser immediately informs the home care staff. In this way, the device not only helps the client, but also relieves the workload of the care personnel.

Also need support at work? Contact  us! We would be happy to tell you more about Medido.


We would like to thank the 160 care organisations, 1840 pharmacies, 41 prepackers and 19 care centres for the fine cooperation in 2020. We will make it a great year in 2021, with the introduction of the new Medido dispenser, guidance from our care consultants and our helpdesk, among other things.

Blog overview

08 May 2021

Medido: more than a medicine dispenser

26 August 2021

Benefits of Medido: experiences of a care provider

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A look back at 2020 with the smart Medido medicine dispenser

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Research study about Medido services

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Navigating Healthcare Redesign: A Journey Towards Autonomy and Well-being

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