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Medido: more than a medicine dispenser

The medicine dispenser has become an indispensable tool for both clients and carers in the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The automatic medicine dispenser provides help with medication use and saves time in home care.

Yet the Medido service is much more than just a medicine dispenser. From remote care to training of care providers. In this article, you can read all about the complete Medido service provision. 


Medido is not just a box in the home that offers the medication at the right time. The Medido service revolves around the total medication supervision in the home.

Is the client not responding to the medication issue? Then Medido sends a message to the home care. If necessary, the care staff will visit the client to see what is going on. The care staff also receive a message when, for example, the Medido does not have power or when the roll is not loaded. That is smart care at a distance.

Read also: The beginning of the automatic medicine dispenser


The Medido service is able to unburden home care organisations thanks to long-standing relationships with partners in the care chain. We work together with over 150 home care organisations, hundreds of pharmacies, dozens of prepackers and various care centres. 

But what does this cooperation look like in practice?

The pre-packagers from the pharmacies pack the clients' medication in a medication roll. One or more bags are made for each moment of the day when the client has to take medication. Thanks to this medication roll, the client no longer needs to sort the medication according to the time of intake. The home care or pharmacy places the medication roll in the dispenser. And Medido knows when the medication needs to be dispensed.

The automatic medicine dispenser registers when the client does not respond to the Medido signal. On the basis of this signal, the client is called to be reminded of the medication time. If necessary, the home care staff visit the client. 

We have everything in-house, from development to logistics and from support to care consultant. This makes us flexible and able to make changes quickly where necessary.


Our team of care consultants is constantly expanding in order to support homecare organisations in the use of the Medido service. For example, they provide input to homecare organisations about the clients' Medido use, so that the team can steer accordingly. 

The care consultants also provide training to the care staff who will be working with the smart Medido dispenser. This way, all home care employees know how to use the device in the right way. They also learn how to guide the client in the use of the Medido.  

In addition, our care consultants can contribute to the realisation of the care organisation's goals, such as broad implementation, research and serving new target groups. The consultants are happy to discuss this with you.


Medido offers a listening ear for clients and caregivers. 

Our support department is available Monday to Saturday from 07:30 to 22:00 and on Sunday from 07:30 to 14:00 to answer questions from care providers or clients. Or first see if you can find the answer to your question in the helpdesk.

Do you want to apply for the automatic medicine dispenser for one of your clients? First check whether the client is eligible for Medido by filling in the selection form.

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