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How do we ensure that good care is available to everyone, both today and in twenty years' time?

This is only possible with smart care.

The latest episode of Vintura's SlimmeZorg podcast features our Medido story. A beautiful example of care innovation. A medicine dispenser for clients who have to take several medicines a day. Every day, Medido eHealth ensures that more than 6,000 clients receive the right medicines at exactly the right time. And at the same time, 300 FTEs in home care are saved. Those people are badly needed to provide other necessary home care!

Listen to the podcast here:

Via Apple:

Via Spotify:

Via Soundcloud:

Blog overview

12 March 2021

A look back at 2020 with the smart Medido medicine dispenser

10 June 2024

Navigating Healthcare Redesign: A Journey Towards Autonomy and Well-being

26 August 2021

Benefits of Medido: experiences of a care provider

financieel dagblad intro medido
20 September 2021

Het Financiële Dagblad: Medido abroad

Time-saving technologies in home care
28 August 2023

Time-saving technologies in home care 

EenVandaag video over de Medido eHealth
11 August 2021

EenVandaag about Medido eHealth

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