Since 2009, Medido has been increasing the independence of clients in the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through remote medication guidance. This does not only help the client, but Medido also brings benefits to the home care sector. Curious how care providers experience the use of the automatic medicine dispenser? District nurse Juliët from Friesland, working at 'Het Friese Land', shares her experiences.
"One of my clients always forgot to take her medication. As a result, she experienced both psychological and physical complaints. I also had to come in the morning for her medication before she went to work. This was not convenient for the client. That is why we started Medido."
Another of Juliët's clients regularly forgot to take his medication. Mr. Parkinson has as many as nine medication sessions in one day. He simply could not keep up. Since he has been receiving assistance from Medido, his use of medicines has improved dramatically.
"He finds it very interesting to have the Medido in the house. In addition, his sugar was stable within two weeks and the Parkinson's symptoms diminished. He doesn't want to be without it anymore!"
"Medido is very easy to use. Both clients were therefore able to use the medicine dispenser quickly. Previously, I came to see the client at every medication time. Now they do everything themselves with a simple push of a button. Not only does this save me a lot of time, but it's also very pleasant for the clients. They no longer depend on me to (correctly) take their medication."
"The time saved is one of the biggest advantages of the Medido service. It is no longer necessary to be present at every medication moment, which saves 10 to 15 minutes per client. This leaves me with more time to help other clients."
Although Juliët visits less often now, she still has good insight into her clients' use of medicines. "Thanks to Medido, medicine use is easier to monitor. Does a client not take his or her medication and can't get through to the switchboard? Then I get a signal immediately."
"Definitely! Medido offers many advantages for the care sector. Especially the time saving that this form of eHealth provides is very valuable for home care organisations. In addition, clients experience more freedom and independence thanks to Medido. It is very nice for them that we no longer have to come late at night or early in the morning for medication guidance."
Do you think that one of your clients would also benefit from remote medication guidance? Before you apply for the Medido, do the following check.
✓ The client has the indication 'medication administration' or this can be done.
✓ The home care organisation works with Medido. If not, please contact us.
✓ Inform the client about the Medido and request Medido.
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