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financieel dagblad medido

Het Financiële Dagblad: Medido abroad

Het Financiële Dagblad, in collaboration with Schiphol, Schiphol Privium and BNR news radio, devotes attention to Dutch companies that successfully do business abroad. Thijs van Nuenen, founder of Medido eHealth, was invited to discuss this.

In both the Netherlands and Scandinavia, there are many clients who are helped with the provision of medication by Medido. The developments in Scandinavia have gone fast in recent years. Fortunately, it is possible to travel again, which means that our partners and clients in Norway, Sweden and Denmark can be visited. This autumn, the introduction of the new Medido dispenser is an important part of the discussion. Together with our partners, we ensure that clients can take their medication independently, giving them back a bit of freedom and self-reliance.

Read more about Medido's business abroad in this Financieel Dagblad article

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Press photo Tom Hofland and Thijs van Nuenen
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