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New rules offer more room for digital care - NZa

The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) believes that good digital care can make a positive contribution to society. That is why this year the rules for digital care have been expanded. The digital care costing guide for 2020 gives an overview of the scope that healthcare providers and healthcare insurers or healthcare administration offices have for using digital care and support. Read the new rules of the measures here

download the wegwijzer.

Blog overview

Evondos and Medido join forces to improve homecare
01 February 2023

Evondos and Medido join forces to improve homecare in Europe

EenVandaag video over de Medido eHealth
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EenVandaag about Medido eHealth

Time-saving technologies in home care
28 August 2023

Time-saving technologies in home care 

07 September 2021

How do we ensure that good care is available to everyone, both today and in twenty years' time?

Digital Transformation in Healthcare
22 April 2024

Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Empowering Patients, transforming lives

12 March 2021

A look back at 2020 with the smart Medido medicine dispenser

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