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Zorg van Nu devotes attention to Medido

The leading platform Zorg van Nu (an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport) focuses on the smart medicine dispenser. What does the dispenser do, how can you use the service and will it be reimbursed? It is all discussed in this article and the accompanying video. Of course clients and care providers are also interviewed. 

Blog overview

financieel dagblad intro medido
20 September 2021

Het Financiële Dagblad: Medido abroad

10 June 2024

Navigating Healthcare Redesign: A Journey Towards Autonomy and Well-being

16 April 2021

The beginning of the automatic medicine dispenser

24 February 2021

Zorg van Nu devotes attention to Medido

Time-saving technologies in home care
28 August 2023

Time-saving technologies in home care 

07 September 2021

How do we ensure that good care is available to everyone, both today and in twenty years' time?

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