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Like clockwork at home... | Medido medicine dispenser

I have always been interested in compliance...

Because all too often treatments fail because the patient quits along the way. Years ago, I was put on the trail of Thijs van Nuenen in this quest. He has worked steadily on support. The Medido is the result. The invention is a story in itself. Thijs actually visits patients in order to continuously improve the service. I was allowed to be present for this via a livestream.


Some time ago, home care gave Gerrit Beek the idea of using the Medido. At the time, he had immediately said to the home care service 'I want one'. They drop by now and again and that always leads to interesting discussions. He feels very good about it, he cycles and walks. What more could you want? The Medido is his ally, in his own words.


Gerrit Beek is 84, looks a bit frail and takes 9 tablets a day. He has had cardiac arrests; he has collapsed three times. The first time he suddenly saw the blue sky while weeding. He now has a pacemaker. He lacks the discipline to take 'those damn pills' every day. But the heart surgeon makes him do it. Every Friday evening, the new strips for the following week are put in the mailbox. At first they wanted to help him insert the strip. But he can do it himself.

Two years

Gerrit Beek has been using the Medido for two years now. In the first period, he still forgot a couple of times to mention that he was not at home. That resulted in worried phone calls. By now, Gerrit Beek is completely used to the Medido. On Friday evening, he fills the new roll with medicines (it is called Baxter) himself. According to Gerrit Beek, you really do not have to be technical to use the Medido. People sometimes find it scary! Medicines not in a box, but in a cupboard. Nonsense! Gerrit's wife talks to visitors about 'my husband's locker'.


Gerrit Beek has had the new Medido dispenser for a month now. He has indicated that the new Medido, with its clock, no longer associates him with being ill, as was the case with the old dispenser. Everything else has remained the same, although there have been improvements under the bonnet. Gerrit is very happy! All medicines are dispensed via the strip, except for the blood thinners, which have to be taken separately. The dosage changes from day to day. Gerrit has no problem with that. The device works fine. The new Medido is his new faithful ally!


In the Netherlands, more than eight percent of people use five or more different medicines. This is an average for Western countries. Half of these people appear to make mistakes when taking medicines. Medicine users who take five or more different medicines therefore need more support in their use of medicines than they are currently receiving. In addition, a large number of people in this group have a chronic condition that makes it difficult to use medicines correctly. Disorders such as depression, rheumatism, Parkinson's and dementia often make it impossible to use standard packaged medicines independently. For example, patients forget to take their medicines or are physically unable to open a pack. The Medido service supports clients and care providers by using the Medido dispenser. To do this successfully, we work closely together with health insurer, pharmacist, prepacker and care organisation. We help clients with their self-reliance, support care providers and contribute to the affordability of care. Simple, together and with care.

Blog overview

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